On Saturday October 26th a group of Club 11 members gathered to plant tulips at the Jewel Box in Forest Park. Well we would of planted tulips had only the weather cooperated. Remember, Saturday was a solid day of rain. Not to be daunted by the weather, our group of hardy members potted Coleus instead. We all gathered at the green houses just south of the Jewel Box and following the instructions of master gardener Jack, learned about how cuttings from a few plants can make hundreds of plants which will then be used for both ornamental plantings around the Jewel Box and the Muny next summer, but also support the annual Mothers Day plant sale. Club 11 members participating included, President Bob Garagiola, Community Service Chair Phil Hesley, Bob Hesley, Mark Rubinelli, Rick Tinucci, and Eric Boston. The Community Service Committee is considering other options for volunteer opportunities and welcomes your ideas.
People of Action – In Action

Posted in Community Service