5 events found.
Architects Day | Steve Smith, CEO, New + Found
MAC Downtown and ZOOM 405 Washington Avenue, St Louis, MO, United StatesArchitects Day | Steve Smith, CEO, New + Found 12pm - 1pm MAC Downtown
Journalism, Past and Future
MAC Downtown and ZOOM 405 Washington Avenue, St Louis, MO, United StatesJournalism, Past and Future Bill Freivogel, Publisher Gateway Journalism Review 12pm - 1pm MAC Downtown - ART LOUNGE
In St. Louis, For St. Louis
MAC Downtown and ZOOM 405 Washington Avenue, St Louis, MO, United StatesIn St. Louis, For St. Louis Lisa Weingarth, Sr. Advisor for STL Initiatives Washington University March 17, 2025 12pm - 1pm MAC Downtown
Sasha’s on Shaw | April Club Social
Sasha's on Shaw 4069 Shaw Avenue, St. Louis, MO, United StatesSt. Louis Rotary April Club Social Sasha's on Shaw 4069 Shaw About 5 PM
Place Making, Way Finding, and the Delmar Districts
MAC Downtown and ZOOM 405 Washington Avenue, St Louis, MO, United StatesSamatha Smugala, Executive Director Loop East Community Improvement District 12pm - 1pm MAC Downtown