Support your Rotary Foundation

To support the work of Rotary Clubs in International Service, then RI President Arch Klumph established The Rotary Foundation in 1917 as a mechanism to fund Humanitarian Grants. This Rotary Foundation program matches contributions raised by Rotary clubs and districts for international service projects involving clubs in two or more countries.

Over the past several years, Club 11 has benefited directly by the matching grants program. In conjunction with our Rotaract Club, we sponsored a project to bring fresh water to a village in Honduras; we sponsored a project to provide solar lighting to school children in Rwanda, and last year with the help of a challenge grant from Tom Keeline, we provided 2 fresh water drinking wells in Guatemala. These projects represent over $60,000 in matching funds to help those in need

Since donations to the Foundations’ Annual Program Fund all go towards program expenses, our continued support is needed. Between now and December 30th your contributions up to $500 will be matched by the Club. That means a contribution will make you a Paul Harris Fellow or raise you to the next giving level. Please consider giving so Club 11 can reach its $15,000 goal.

Remember your contributions will be matched and both your contribution and the matching funds will be credited toward Paul Harris Fellow recognition. Mail your contributions to the Rotary Office at 405 Washington Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63102.

Through the work of our Rotary Foundation, all Rotarians can reach out and make a difference. As we enter the “Holiday Season” I would like to encourage your support.

Posted in The Rotary Foundation