Alleygations Cowell Team 1 by Matt Weiss
Another crazy, fun night at Olivette Lanes
“Must be the first Monday night after Thanksgiving”, shouted the NAESer in making his 2019-2020 Season debut. And the Party started!
PROBLEM is, the NAESer was scheduled on the bench for the Rosie Cooper team, having her full team show.
No PROBLEM, the Cowbell’s were only going to have three bowlers as the Cowbell, Newsey, & LaFara were all out. With the league’s free substitution policy the NAESer now had a place to bowl.
PROBLEM is, the Cowbells were bowling the Decker’s and Terry “T Bone” Werner was the only bowler from that team in the house. Is it possible to have a 4vs1 scenario? Where’s Ralph? Wilson in Florida and Doc Jones in the Cayman Isles. The Schu recovering from surgery and doing well but not expected back bowling till February.
No PROBLEM, Frank Brandenhorst needs a place to bowl from the bench of the Lorenz team and joins T Bone. With only seconds to spare the Naeser moves over to the Decker team creating a 3v3 scenario.
Suddenly, midway through the first frame, the Ralph shows up making it a 4v3 challenge that just 20 minutes beforehand was a 4v1 reversal!
Welcome to Rotary Bowling. See how easy and relaxed it all is?
It should be noted that Windo was also on the bench from the Doug Lorenz team but stated that he does much better with a bucket of cold ones than with a bowling ball in his hand!
Onto the Bowling.
“Bowling is much easier when you only have to throw one ball!” came a shout out from Lanes 19&20.
The substitute infused Decker team beat up on the hapless Cowbell’s 16-6. Led by “The Legends” 223, 562 series the Cowbell’s somehow managed to win the third game. I may just join Windo next week. Don was giving out instructions saying to aim at the 10 pin on Lane 21 in order to throw strikes on Lane 20!!! Didn’t work. Sub Brandenhorst led the Decker’s with a 188, 616 hdcp. series.
“They count just as well at the beginning as they do at the end!”(Think that was in reference to knocking down pins)
The Rosie Cooper’s knocked the first place Conway’s off the perch into 2nd Place on Lanes 21&22, 14-8, in a very hotly contested match-up. The Conway’s won the first game by 13 pins, but both teams rolled every game over 800 hdcp. games. Baby Goop had a monster night for the Cooper team rolling a 655, 709 hdcp. series.
The craziness continued on Lanes 23&24. The Doug Lorenz team shows up with six bowlers. Brandenhorst moves to the aforementioned Decker team and Windo dives into the bucket.
The Soifer’s shows up with three bowlers, only to lose Vic, “The Man no one can HATE” DiFATE to a thumb injury midway into the 6th frame of game one finishing with a score of 74. Vic just packed up his ball and cap and went home. Losing that game by 99 scratch pins the two-man Soifer’s came roaring back winning the next two games and the match 16-6. Jon’s 624 hdcp. and HER Milne’s 654 hdcp. series’ did the job. Katie led the Lorenz bunch with a team high 657 hdcp. series. Speaking of which, Katie welcomed back ex-teammate Naeser with a moist kitty shot getting the night started.
With only two weeks left in the 2nd quarter, the Soifer’s have leap frogged back into 1st Place. Two points back are the Conway’s with the Cooper’s and Decker’s needing good finishes the next two nights to have a chance for 2nd quarter honors.
Ralph won the 50/50 of $47. It is Xmas Ralph, spend it wisely! Just love this Bowling League. Proprietor Don loves it as well,especially with the NAESer back adding to the F&B!
Strikes and Spares,
Matt Weiss