It’s the Holiday Season. At this time of year, we should be thinking, not just of our preparations, but of the needs of others. Rotary is no different. Our members have been blessed and we are generous. Some examples:
- The Giving Tree Program with Gateway 180 concludes this week – not too late to help.
- 200 Holiday Cards that we signed last week are on their way to our troops overseas with the help of the Missouri USO.
- The All-in-One/Welfare Fund has sent its mailing asking for help to support the Community Service Grant Program and others, such as KidSmart, Young Citizens Awards, Eighth Grade Awards. The more we have, the more we can do!
- Lift for Life Gym will need volunteers on 12/17 to decorate for their Holiday Party (See Helen DiFate)
Rotarians are “People of Action” … for others. It’s the Holiday Season!
President Bob