St. Louis Rotary Club 11 | St Louis, MO

Golf Alleygations July 15, 2020

Golf League-Partial Rain-out for St Louis Rotary Golf League 7-29-20

The golf gods and the rain gods had quite a battle on July 15th at St. Albans! The result was mixed as 18 Rotary golfers were able to play only 10 holes before the lightning and rain hit. Despite the interruption we were able to establish our Long Drive winners – Harold Kalde and Jim Bernardini. Our closest to the pin marksmen were Jim Gidcumb, Kent Steinbrueck and Matt Weiss. As usual we had a wonderful dinner with a plentiful supply of drinks and stories.

Our next outing is scheduled for July 29th at the Norwood Hills Country Club. All are welcome so let me or David Wicks know if you want to play.

Hit ‘em straight!


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