Scribe Report foru00a0 7/18/2019
President Bob called our 2nd meeting of July to order by the ringing of our Rotary Bell.u00a0u00a0 On cue, all Rotarians rose for the Pledge and reciting of the 4-Way test.u00a0 Beth Russell provided a topic appropriate invocation while Rick Tinucci led us all in singing.u00a0
- Invoices have been emailed for the current quarter. Please check your inbox and get payments in promptly.u00a0 If you didnu2019t receive one, please let the office know.u201d
- Prospective Member meetings will be held the 1st Thursday of each month. The next one will be August 1st at 11am in the Eads room.u00a0 Please reach out to anyone you think might benefit from being a part of Rotary.
- Community Service Chair Phil Hesley informed members that our school supplies collection is underway. Please bring supplies to our Thursday meetings through August 15th.u00a0 The committee will deliver to Kids Smart for distribution to city schools.u00a0
- Have you noticed the redesigned Pepper Box? Rose Cooper has worked tirelessly to revamp its format.u00a0 Check out her great work and make sure to say thanks when you see her.
Ralph Decker filled in for Sergeant-at-Arms Dan Conway who was away for his daughteru2019s wedding.u00a0 A number of prospective member guests and 2 visiting Rotarians where introduced.u00a0
We had one of those rare occurrences where this weeku2019s speakers Steve Pick and Amanda Doyle from St. Louis Sound didn’t show.u00a0 In my 35+ years in the Club, I can only remember this happening 3 times.u00a0 Past President Bob Sherrill filled in by introducing a family from France whose 5 year old child is here in St. Louis to undergo corrective s
urgery onu00a0his leg.u00a0 The family is being hosted by some of our Satellite Club Rotarians.u00a0 This event truly underscores how through Rotary Fellowship we can all make a difference.u00a0 Ouru00a0
Rotary network makes connections like this possible and helps those who are in need.u00a0 I also provided a history on the creation of the 4 – Way Test.u00a0u00a0 Created at the height of the Depression in 1932, Herb Taylor felt he needed simple way to convey ethical conduct
u00a0to his struggling Club Aluminum Company.u00a0 Taylor conveyed the rights to the 4 way test in 1944 when he was a Rotary Director.u00a0 It has since been translated into 12 languages and is used by Rotarians today as an ethical yardstick for the things we th
ink, say and do.
Bob adjourned the meeting at 1pm with the reminder to u201cdo something goodu201d in the next week.