Committees of Rotary Club 11
Our committees help us serve the community and sustain our organization:
Chair: Helen DiFate
Purpose: To investigate proposed members and their business for any possible conflict with the classifications of current members and to determine if the proposed member is qualified for membership and can attend the meetings regularly. This committee also reviews & recommends requested changes to current member’s classifications.
Community Service
Co-Chairs: Phil Hesley / Bob Zangas
Purpose: Emphasize 4 Areas of Community Service: Grants, Done in a Day Requests, Collection Drive, and Service Projects. Manages the Annual Financial Grants to local charities and service partners.
Convention & Conference
Purpose: To coordinate the club’s participation in the District Conference and Rotary International Convention and to encourage member’s attendance.
Endowment Fund
Chairperson: Ken Schuman
Purpose: To further of one of the objects of Rotary International which is to encourage and foster the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and to assist in meeting the educational needs of residents of the City of St. Louis.
Chairperson: Don Lorenz
Purpose: As Treasurer of the Rotary Club of St. Louis, the committee will strive to carry out the duties outlined in Article IX, Section 6 of the Constitution and to support the president in the successful completion of the programs he has established for the club.
Fundraising/All in One
Chairperson: Terry Werner/Don Klackner
Purpose: The Fundraising Committee (formerly the All In One Fund) is the committee that raises the money which the Community Service/Major Project Committee will use for our own major project and possible funding of local St. Louis area charities.
Chairperson: Rebecca Richie
Purpose: The Fellowship Committee’s purpose is: to help other committees in volunteering our service, greet Rotarians and guests at our Thursday meetings; help with the parking tickets and reception tables.
Golf League
Co-Chairs: Matt Weiss/Kent Steinbrueck/Blake Critzas
Purpose: This committee chooses their own officers who schedule approximately eight to twelve golf outings each season.
Chairperson: Jon Soifer
Purpose: Coordinate activities with other metropolitan area clubs and promote attendance at the monthly Inter-City meetings.
International Foundation
Chairperson: Rick Tinucci
Purpose: To promote Rotary International programs within the St. Louis Club. These include the Ambassadorial Scholarships, Group Study Exchange, Youth Exchange Program, Matching Grants program and encouraging members to become Paul Harris Fellows by contributing $100.00 a year for ten years to the International Foundation.
Lift for Life
Chair: Vic DiFate
Membership Development
Co-Chairs: Jeromy Fritz/Nick Angelo
Purpose: The purpose of the Membership Development Committee is to recruit new members into the St. Louis Rotary Club and the work of Rotary International.
Membership Retention / Mentor
Purpose We have the responsibility of helping all of our members remain interested in the work of Rotary through our efforts in Retention and fellowship.
Chairperson: Bill Piper
Purpose: Provides and organizes all activities pertaining to music, including providing the song leader and pianist for the weekly Rotary meetings.
Orientation – New Members
Chairperson: Rick Tinucci
Purpose: The committee meets with new members to explain Rotary and its purpose and how the club district and Rotary International functions.
Co-Chairs: Mike Regan/Beth Russell
Purpose: The overall responsibility of this committee is to arrange for guest speakers as part of Club 11’s weekly meetings. In addition to arranging for speakers, our monthly chairs solicit participation from the membership to participate at the meetings as Invocators, scribes, and Introducers.
Co-Chairs Mike Mosella/Doug Russell
Purpose: To raise awareness among the membership and the St. Louis community of the accomplishments of the club and Rotary in general. To stimulate spirit and pride among the members and a sense of value of their membership and participation in Rotary activities.
Co-Chairs: Price Harris/Michele Goad
Purpose: The social committee has traditionally been responsible for developing and promoting social activities for the members of the club in order to help build stronger relationships within the membership.
New Generations
Chairperson: Rose Cooper
Rotaract: Rose Cooper
8th Grade Awards: David Pokorney -Co-Chair
RYLA: Michele Goad
Young Citizens Awards: Mary Jane Thomsen/John Reed
Rotary Youth Exchange: Jean Cowell
Purpose:Provide and facilitate opportunities for the Rotary Membership to participate in service activities for the youth of St. Louis. To help young people become a recognized part of the Rotary community. new Generations includes activities and sponsorship for Interact Service clubs at local high schools, sponsorship of Rotaract Service clubs at local universities, the annual 8th Grade Leadership Awards, and the Annual Young Citizen Awards for graduating SLPS high school students.
Welfare Fund
Chairperson: Bob Garagiola
Purpose: The goal of the committee is to simplify the fund administration of the cub in addition to achieving the committee purposes. A second goal is to increase the resources in the Welfare Fund.
Old Newsboys
Chairperson: Sean Smith
Purpose: The committee organizes about 15 – 20 volunteers for one-day collections as part the the local Old Newsboys Day in November before Thanksgiving. We take over several street corners downtown and offer special edition newspapers for donations. Club 11 typically raises up to $3,000.
Chairperson: Ralph Decker
Purpose: Manages the activities of the Rotary Bowling League to provide fellowship and recreation through bowling. (And to beat the Kansas City Rotary Club in our annual bowing tournament in Columbia!)
Golf Tournament Fund Raiser
Co-Chairs: Jack Windish/Don Lorenz
Purpose: Organizes and manages the annual Charity Golf Outing. The Committee also selects the primary beneficiary charity for funding from the Charity Golf proceeds.
Chairperson: Jim Conway
Purpose: Organizes the annual Club 11 Tennis outing for fun and fellowship.