Rotary Club of St. Louis – Club 11

President Elect’s Telegram  

Each week I will highlight something about Rotary that all Rotarians should know or be aware of.

THE 4-WAY TEST History

I have always wondered how the 4 Way Test came about

In the early 1930’s Herbert J. Taylor set out to save the Club Aluminum Products distribution company from bankruptcy. He believed himself to be the only person in the company with 250 employees who had hope. His recovery plan started with changing the ethical climate of the company. He explained:

The first job was to set policies for the company that would reflect the high ethics and morals God would want in any business. If the people who worked for Club Aluminum were to think right, I knew they would do right. What we needed was a simple, easily remembered guide to right conduct – a sort of ethical yardstick- which all of us in the company could memorize and apply to what we thought, said and did.

“I searched through many books for the answer to our need, but the right phrases eluded me, so I did what I often do when I have a problem, I can’t answer myself: I turn to the One who has all the answers. I leaned over my desk, rested my head in my hands and prayed. After a few moments, I looked up and reached for a white paper card”. Then I wrote down the twenty-four words that had come to me:

1.  Is it the truth?

2.  Is it fair to all concerned?

3.  Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

4.  Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

He called it “The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do

We will have our first live meeting at the MAC on Thursday June 18th. We have not met at the MAC since the beginning of March so we still have a few procedural items to work out, especially in keeping in compliance with new COVID procedures. Please be patient. Masks will be required from the time you walk into the MAC until you get to the Ballroom. Then they are optional. I am told they will also be taking temperatures of everyone entering the MAC.

 We will be trying a new pre-meeting online registration starting with this meeting. Although this is not mandatory (yet) please respond to the email to give us a good idea of attendance.

Club 11 Rotarian Dale Ruthsatz will be the speaker on June 18th, giving us an update on the many developments in the City of St. Louis. I hope most of you come downtown for the meeting. If you don’t feel comfortable or if you can’t make it, we will be zooming the meetings that you can watch at home.


A quote from Rotary International President Mark Daniel Maloney

Q. So tell us about your theme: Rotary Connects the World

A: Rotary is all about connection. When you join a club, you connect with the business leaders in your community. Rotary connects you and clubs and districts for service around the world. The whole basis of The Rotary Foundation is to connect Rotary clubs in one part of the world with Rotary clubs in another part of the world, typically Rotary clubs from a developed country with Rotary clubs in a developing country, to undertake a humanitarian service project.

Rotary connects the world on a less formal basis internationally. Rotary International conventions and other international meetings are wonderful events. You see people there year after year that you don’t see at any other time of the year, and you connect with them through friendship. You’ve seen the promo: “Rotary, the original social network.” That’s true.



A quote of inspiration

       “I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act” Bill Gates


“Call a Rotarian” – President Bob kicked off this program on April 7th. Let’s see if we can keep this going in support of Bob. I think this is a good gesture and will help keep us connected. And you will feel good just to make a “personal” connection. I know I have and if you do also, you’ll be amazed at the results.

Finally, if you have
questions, concerns, or ideas regarding Club 11
please let me know


My e-mail is:  

Pepperbox 6-15-2020

President Elect Kent Steinbrueck
