Leadership in Challenging Times | Major General (ret) William L. Enyart | 10-24-24

Major General (ret) Wm. L. Enyart
Leadership in Challenging Times

About the Author

Major General (ret) William L. Enyart served as Southern Illinois’ United States Congressman in the 113th Congress where he served on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Agriculture Committee. He retired from Congress in January 2015. He frequently speaks on leadership, veterans’ issues and defense policy. His podcast is available at billenyart.com and all major podcast providers. He is a regular commentator on military and foreign affairs on NewsNation cable network news.

General Enyart’s nearly 36-year military career included active duty service in the US Air Force and nearly 30 years in the Army National Guard. He culminated his service as Adjutant General of the Illinois National Guard, commanding both the Air and Army National Guard from 2007-2012. In that role he oversaw the largest Illinois National Guard deployment of troops overseas since WWII when the 33rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team deployed to Afghanistan. He also led in-state disaster response including mobilizing hundreds of troops to assist during ice storms, blizzards and flooding in Southern Illinois.Prior to his selection as Adjutant General and promotion to Major General, where he had oversight of 10,000 Army soldiers, 3,000 airmen and more than 300 state employees, he served as a Brigadier General and Deputy Commanding General of the 10,000 soldiers of the Illinois Army National Guard.

During his military career, General Enyart participated in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations training at the UN in New York City and was a keynote speaker at the UN Peacekeeping Operations seminar in Chicago. He is a graduate of the Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government Executive Education program on US-Russia Relations. He had oversight of and training responsibility for multiple overseas deployments including; KFOR (Kosovo), MFOR (Sinai) and others. General Enyart had planning, training and oversight responsibility for 4,000 National Guard forces from 11 states at the largest NATO conference ever held, and the largest national security event ever held outside Washington DC, at the 2012 NATO conference held in Chicago. At that conference General Enyart was presented with the Commander’s Cross of the Republic of Poland by President Bronislaw Komorowski, for his work in building international relationships. As a Colonel he commanded the Illinois National Guard delegation to Kiev, Ukraine participating in exercises with 22 nations. During his military and civilian careers General Enyart has served in or visited thirty nations in Asia, Africa, Europe and South America, including Afghanistan, Kosovo and the Sinai.

He holds a bachelor’s degree from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, a juris doctor from Southern Illinois University School of Law, a master’s degree from the US Army War College and an honorary doctorate from Lindenwood University-Belleville.In his civilian career General Enyart has held positions at the CEO, board and general counsel level. He taught business law at Southwestern Illinois College and business management at Lindenwood University-Belleville.He is married to Judge (ret) Annette Eckert who is the director of the St. Clair County Teen Court. They have two sons, Dr. James Enyart, a biology professor at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville and Alex Enyart, an attorney.

Victoria Brzustowicz is a graphic designer, illustrator, and fine artist located in Rochester, NY. With years of ad agency experience behind her, she runs her own design studio, Victoria B Creative (VictoriaBCreative.com).

Bill Enyart
My books and podcasts are available at  William L. Enyart (williamenyart.com