Our regular Thursday Rotary Meeting returns to normal this week following our special events: Young Citizens Awards and M.A.C./Rotary Veterans Day Program.
Our thanks goes to the Young Citizens Awards Committee (Mary Jane, Rose, Beth, Jean and Michele & video by Doug) for their hard work. Further thanks goes to Jim Sheets who represented Rotary on the M.A.C./Rotary Veterans Day Committee. Rotary had over 75 Rotarians and guests in attendance. As I said in my welcoming remarks, it is a highlight of our club year, as is the Young Citizens Awards.
With all those activities, in last week’s President’s Corner, I listed our upcoming Rotary events in November. They are all featured in the PepperBox so there is no need here to repeat the schedule. BUT, I forgot about one of our monthly commitments: Lift for Life Gym on November 19, 3:30pm to 5:30pm.
This is a very rewarding service. If it’s been awhile, or if you never have, it is worthwhile to spend time with these children. In fact, it has now been added to my list of “Unreasonable Requests.” Rotary needs volunteers for Lift for Life on Tuesday November 19 – see Helen DiFate.
Finally, our program this week is the Rotary Foundation presented by Sue Cobb, District 6060 Rotary Foundation Chair. The Foundation is an important part of Rotary.
Be sure to wear your Paul Harris pins and medals.