Boys Hope Girls Hope Mentoring Panel Pilot Program Announcement

As part of our Strategic Plan for Club 11, we have a newly formed committee focused on mentorship.  The committee will be providing opportunities for fellow Rotarians to provide mentoring to the community and to receive mentorship from one another. 

We have a current opportunity with Boys Hope Girls Hope


Boys Hope Girls Hope is seeking a panel of 5 mentors to pilot a
program they are launching.  The program will allow scholars who are
juniors, seniors or collegians to learn more about various careers.

The program will be held mid-week via Zoom or Microsoft Teams
starting in late May or June.

Each session will begin around 4:00 to 4:30 PM and will last for
about 40 minutes.

Each session will consist of:

5 to 6 scholars and the 5 person panel

The 5 person panel will be asked to share a bit about
themselves, their careers etc.  (About 3 minutes each.)

The 5 to 6 scholars will introduce themselves. 

BHGH will share a bit about the program.  Again short.

The scholars will ask 2-3 questions each for the panel to address.  
The questions will be high level questions:  (perhaps how they choose
their career—did they go to school to pursue their current career —did they
choose their college based on scholarships, or the programs that were being
offered in their desired field etc.)

 Total time 40 minutes or so.     There
will be 3-4 other groups doing the same program.

If you are interested in being a mentor, please reach out to
myself or Richard Losciale. 


We want to line up more mentors than currently needed so that we
can seed the hopeful repeats for BHGH and also give us a Club 11ers Mentors
Bullpen list to offer similar programs to the schools and other orgs we support
and also within our younger ranks, Rotaract etc.


Also if you are interested in being a part of the Club 11
Mentoring Committee, please let me know.

             Matthew Maddox

             Global Data Services – President

             314-627-5080 ofc           Schedule a Meeting

            314-686-9620 cell



