St. Louis Rotary Bowling League | Alleygations Week 27 – March 22, 2021
The highlight of the evening was seeing Buzz Gerber and wife, who came in to say hi.
BULL SHIT for the night: Ralph Decker came in late during the second game and sat out until 3rd game. But he was in time to buy into the 50/50 and Won it.
Team Jones might be calling Bull Shit also. Don Klackner subbing for Team Conway help lead Team Conway to victory.
Team Klackner, drinking a few beers, sure missed their Captain and lost all 20 to Team Lorenz.
Personal highlights: Terry Werner took high scratch and handicap games and series. 724 High series.
Don Klackner 647, Doug Lorenz 631, and Matt Weiss 629.
Team Conway is in the lead for the quarter. I bet that is short lived.
Curt Linton – Team 3

Curt Linton - 3-22-21
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