106th Bowling Season, Week 3 ~ Captain Ralph Decker, September 23, 2024

Week 3 of 31 weeks of Rotary Club League Bowling FUN!
In all my years of bowling in this league, I have never experienced a Monday night where two competing teams matched evenly in team handicap. With a matching 259 team handicap, Ralph’s Rowdy Rollers vs Ice-Team Werner. With Team Werner in second place and Team Decker in third place, we knew the night was going to be an all out scratch fight for pin total. With both teams not too far behind Team Jones in first place.
First let me tell you about Ralph’s Rowdy Rollers. After a few glasses of whiskey and scotch, our team name came from Rose Cooper, Lily Michael’s, and Amy Lewis. It’s growing on me! Rose say’s we need to pronounce our team name like a Pirate! You must roll your R’s. Matt Weiss said it should be Ralph’s Rowdy Bowlers…..not Rollers. That’s a good team name for roller blading at The Chase!!! With teammate Bill Piper’s middle name being Ralph, I am liking the sound of Ralph’s Rowdy Rollers!
Back to the match play. Team Decker took the first match by 78 pins over Team Werner. The second match was very close. It came down to the 10th frame. With me bowling as the anchor, I bowled three strikes to force anchor Terry Werner to roll two strikes and 4 pins to win game 2. Ice-T became the Ice-Man. Terry came through and punched out three strikes and a 199 game to win the match by 7 pins. Great team competition. Lots of fun!
Team Werner pulled it together and won game 3. Vic DiFate was on fire! Tom Keeline started doing the shuffle. Don “Big D” Lorenz high game of the night was a 192 scratch. Final total was 12 points for Team Werner, and 10 points for Ralph’s Rowdy Rollers!
Other highlights…Rose Cooper bowled a scratch 180, 150, 164 for a 494 scratch series. One of her best nights. I think the Macallan 12 year old scotch was helping. Way to go Rosie!
Jack Windish had a good night of consistent bowling. Jack said it was a Mich Ultra night with a 157, 171, 170….488 scratch series. Way to go Jack!
Tom Carroll high game of the night was a 168 first game. Way to go Tom.
Mike Coleman high game of the night was a 170 third game. Way to go Mike!
Kent Steinbrueck showed up with league bowling invoices. Next week he will have his buddies Moose and Rocco with him!
The 50/50 was $72 bucks. Thank you all for your contribution. Won by yours truly! Two weeks in a row. I can’t believe it!
Strike and Spares!
Ralph Decker