Kent Steinbrueck report on Persimmons CC Golf League Outing 8-20-19

President Elect’s Telegram



There are a number of things being said about the coronavirus situation. Many of them are politically driven from both sides of our divided thinking in this country. Here are a few things that I have seen recently that I believe we should ALL think about:

  •  Keep calm and wash your hands
  •  Every dark cloud has a silver lining
  • History tells us that an informed population is important to protecting the public’s health 
  • Frequently wash your hands, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when you can’t wash your hands 
  • Clean surfaces of your home to keep the virus down
  • There are so many but the most important is: USE COMMON SENSE

New Business

Please be assured that your Board of Directors for our club is taking measures and making decisions that will make keeping everyone’s health the top priority. Always remember as we come out of this all of our meetings and activities will be optional and each individual should make decisions that are best for YOU.

As we all know, nothing is certain as we work through these unpresented times. As soon as we feel it to be safe, we will attempt to get back to Rotary business. It will be good for everyone to come together for service to others.  We are considering a number of options for those that cannot attend or choose not to attend meeting for the remainder of the year. Please be patient with the Board and the club office as we get through this.

Billings – I have discovered that there are a number of different ways that Rotarians are billed. Most are billed quarterly but some are billed annually, semi-annual and monthly. As you might have read previously, we are crediting back the lunch costs associated with all meetings that have been missed. We had 2 missed meetings in the 1st quarter that have been credited back and thus far all the missed meeting in the 2nd quarter. You will see the credit for these meetings on your next billing. Those that pay annually you will owe less for next year. THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE!!

We are all dealing with an unprecedented situation with COVID-19. Hopefully we will get through this in short order and be able to get back to our “normal” lives again. When we get through this, hopefully we will realize how important our FREEDOM is and we can work harder on treating each other kindly every day.

UPDATE – NOTHING NEW TO REPORT ON PRESIDENT BOB. Joan and I went by to visit with Bob’s wife Teddy last week. She was in good spirits but a little frustrated as she has not been able to visit personally with Bob. We picked up appropriate Rotary material from her.

For those that haven’t heard President Bob went in the hospital a few weeks ago to have by-pass surgery for some issues that have been lingering. The surgery seemed to go fine and the next day he was off the ventilator and sitting in a chair. Since that time, he has had very good days and also setbacks. Let’s all say a prayer for him and his family for a full recovery.

Our Throwback Thursdays seem to be catching momentum. This week we had the wonderful video featuring Jack Windish and Matt Weiss. Great insight on these two.

Past features have been on Katie LaMarsh, Wally Knoll, Beth Russell and Bob Kocher.

Our Mary Jane Thomsen will be up this coming week. Be sure to watch.

If you haven’t seen it make sure to check it out on various social media sites. One place you can see all of them is on You Tube. Search for The Rotary Club of St. Louis Channel.

Thanks again to Doug Russell and Mike Mosella for the productions. Look for the exceptional interview with Matt Weiss and Jack Windish as the feature this week. Always entertaining.

Zoom seems to have caught on? I now have been involved with a number of virtual meetings and have found them to be smooth. We have been using it for Board Meetings and I have heard a committee or two have also used it. The Board has decided to hold off on having video club meetings at this time but you never know.

Next MAC meeting – We are hoping to have a meeting sometime in May? Don’t know when and how these will work at this time. As soon as the MAC has given us work that they can re-open we will let everyone know the new Rotary schedule. Beginning of May seems to be an open date for some businesses but we will take a conservative approach on starting our meetings. I know I miss our meetings and look forward to the fellowship thru Rotary soon.

Committee Meetings – If you are on a committee, please check with your chair to see if there is anything new that needs sharing and see if you can help in any way. I will try soon to update everyone with information from some of the committees, so stay tuned.

“Call a Rotarian” – President Bob kicked off this program on April 7th. Let’s see if we can keep this going in support of Bob. I think this is a good gesture and will help keep us connected. And you will feel good just to make a “personal” connection.

Finally, if you have
questions, concerns, or ideas regarding Club 11 and the “Stay-at-Home” orders,
feel free to share. 

My e-mail is:  

President Elect Kent
