St. Louis Rotary Golf League Report | Glen Echo Country Club
Wednesday May 29, 2023

Glen Echo Country Club
May 29, 2024
On Wednesday May 29th, we had 15 golfers attend the Rotary Golf League at Glen Echo Country Club. A big thank you to our hosts Jim Gidcumb and David Hodges. We enjoyed a beautiful day of golf, with not a cicada in sight! We also had an exciting scorecard playoff to determine the team winners. With 3 of the 4 teams having the same number of points.
Winners and Highlights
Closest to the Pin
1st place: David Hodges 9’ 6”
2nd place: Steve LaFara 23’10”
Longest Drive Red Tees: Earl Poe
Longest Drive White Tees: Drew Baebler
Longest Drive Blue/White Tees: Flip Cady
Individual Winners
B Flight
1st place: Doc Jones 97/72.32
2nd place: Bob Kocher 110/72.57
3rd place: Bob Zangas 102/75.71
A Flight
1st place: Ken Schuman 96/74.96
2nd place: Earl Poe 96/76.99
3rd place: Bob Bauer 99/81.91
Championship Flight
1st place: Blake Critzas 79/71.86
2nd place: David Hodges 90/74.05
3rd place: Steve LaFara 83/75.19
Team Winners
1st place: Cady/Hodges/Jones/Zangas
2nd place: LaFara/Baebler/Bauer/Kocher
3rd place: McNutt/Whittington/Critzas/Conner(Blind Draw)
Our next outing is Tuesday, June 4th at Westborough Country Club
Adam McNutt