St. Louis Rotary Club 11 | St Louis, MO

105th Season of St. Louis Rotary Bowling League

Week 29 Alleygations: April 8, 2024

Week 29 Alleygations | Captain Chris Wilson

Week 29 Alley-Gations  
Well folks we are down to the end of the season and its starting to get interesting. Week 29 was
an all out fight for pins between Teams Wilson, Weiss and Werner, but before we get to those
details lets talk about how the night went.

On lanes 17-18 we had Werner and Piper facing off. Bi!!’s team took 20 points over Team
Wener but not without some push back from the team captain himself. Reporting from lane 18 I
got a hot quote from Ralph Decker “Terry “Ice-T” Werner bowled a 203, 200 and 218 scratch
series.” Giving him a 723 for the night. Great bowling from the captain to bring their team up to
a 70,099 total for the season so far.

Then we got Teams Zuke and Lane on 19-20. Team Zuke has been leading 3 quarters in a row
so far, so no surprise they got one over on Team Lane. Team Zuke currently has a 34 point lead
on Team Piper, looks like Zuke can claim 4 th quarter already. Good showing from Chad “Lefty”
Baker with a 709 for the night. Everyone on Team Zuke was up for the night thanks to Coach
Doc Jones, helping his team out while also bowling a 648 handicap.

We are going to skip down to lanes 23-24 for now, Teams Wilson and Baebler had a good fight
to the end Monday. Team Wlson got 14 points for the night thanks to next season’s new captain
Wade Weistreic with another personal best this season finishing with a 737 handicap game,
congrats Wade. He really helped carry our average team to victory Monday but game 3 almost
cost us the night when Don Lorenz through a 209 Scratch, he finished the night with a 660
Handicap. I think he had more Strikes that game than all of the rest of his team combined.
Wilson added to their total of pins to bring them up to 70,397.

Last but not least Team Weiss and Team Michaels had a late night, I left while they were in the
7 th because it was almost my bed time and everyone else had already gone home. The last
thing I heard was Katy Lamarsh hitting her 4 th strike in a row and then Jack Windish asking
“what are you on?” and Katy quickly replying “Drugs” but she never elaborated on which ones. I
am sure Jack will be looking more into that for help this week. Team Wiess’ pins count after last
week is 70,218.

End of 4 th quarter will again be Zuke so now our pin counts determine half the rolloff teams.
Assuming everyone has a good night this coming week we should see Zuke, Michaels, Wilson
and Weiss in the finals in a week.

We also have our teammates all heading to Columbia this week to take on those KC Bowlers,
lets keep the trophy in St Louis again this year, give ‘em hell boys.

League Standings Week 29

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