105th Season of St. Louis Rotary Bowling League

Week 14 Alleygations ~ Chris Wilson
This week was fairly uneventful, no changes in the standings leaving Team Michaels and Team Zuke
battling for position in second quarter, with Team Weiss hot on their tails.
Lanes 17-18 had Team Baebler giving 14 points to Team Michaels with Rose and Dee battling for best
score in the ladies division, Rose taking Scratch top score and Dee taking the Handicap top score.
Lanes 19-20 put Team Weiss and Team Wilson fighting for 3 rd with Team Weiss prevailing with 20 points.
Bob Schuster had a great night with a Handicap high game of 244. Kayla Jones subbed on Team Wilson
and after a slow start she found her groove. We did learn that Kayla likes tequila while Katie Lamarsh
wont drink whiskey.
Lanes 21-22 saw Team Zuke and Team Piper. While Zuke took 14 points in the matchup, Ken Schuman
on team Piper had High Handicap game and series Monday night with 248/678 and Ralph just a little
behind him with a 670 series. Chad won the 50/50, highest pot of the season at an $87 payout.
Lanes 23-24 had Team Werner and Team Lane with Werner taking 14 points. David Cowell had the High
Scratch gam with 532 this week helping team Lane but it wouldn’t be enough for the win.
We had lots of people with high scores this week, lets have a fun end of the quarter and Happy Holidays.
Chris Wilson