105th Season of St. Louis Rotary Bowling League

105th Season, Week 12 Allegations, November 27, 2023
Once again the team’s met on the wooden battlefield of honor, For their post Thanksgiving skirmish. Like Admiral Nelson before them they thrust their cannonballs to victory or defeat. Sure, the warriors were a bit more protuberant and lethargic from their recent Turkey feast.
We will start with the best of the best, or, “ the sandbagger special “ depending upon how you look at it, Team Weiss blew away the previous record from Team Lane by posting a 971 in their second game. The previous record for this year was a 902. Apparently their Turkey secret sauce involved shots after every frame. You do you team Weiss!
Speaking of turkeys Terry Werner rolled 9 strikes in a row between games one and two. That’s three turkeys in a row, or a Turkey of turkeys! He came out on fire bowling a 236 in his first game.
A Gobble Gobble to Team Zuke who a great night. Their team leader, Ralph, bowled 162, 165 in his first two games before coming back to earth. Not bad for an 80 handicap! Ralph’s best move of the night was convincing first time bowler Chad Baker to ignore the fact that he had stitches on his right hand and bowl left-handed instead. As a first time bowler Chad was destined to bowl an even 600 for the series no matter what hand he used. Well done Zukers, even if it came at the expense of team Baebler.
Also, during the idle chatter in the team Baebler dugout Jeaninne Conway and Dee Baebler discovered that they both had daughters that graduated from Ursuline the same year.
A big turkey welcome back to Coach, who returned from a battlefield injury of a fractured Big toe.
Speaking of feet, How bout the Feat accomplished by Bob Barnes? He bowled a gross 94,127,96 with a handicap of 122. Awesome feat at the age of 87!
Until next time…
Drew Baebler