At last Thursday’s meeting, I stated that our Club 11 membership now stands at 133. We have added 8 new Rotarians since July 1 and there are 8 or 9 prospective members in the pipeline. Another Get to Know Rotary Breakfast is scheduled at the M.A.C. for March 18.
Here’s another number to consider, 44. That’s how many Club 11 Rotarians, Satellite Civilians, and Rotaracts attended last week’s Happy Hour at Pietro’s. (There might have even been a few more) Check us out on FaceBook, Instagram or Twitter to see pictures of a fun evening of members, friends, family and business associates having a good time … Rotary-Style!
See for yourself that Club 11 is becoming a melting pot of ages and backgrounds and interests; but, in the final analysis, we are Rotary! It is all of our people that make our club strong and make it attractive.
Why Rotary? Why not Rotary!
President Bob
P.S. Don’t forget to reach out to those members that we haven’t seen recently. Invite them to re-join us on a Thursday. Or, join us at a Trivia Night…..or at a Happy Hour …..or .. ???