Rotary Club 11 • Scribe Report • February 13, 2020 • Submitted- Jennifer Krassinger
The meeting called to order by President Bob followed by The Pledge of Allegiance, and Rotary Four Way Test.
Jay Ryan encouraged us to ‘put a little love in our hearts’ with a heartfelt invocation and Richard Losciale led an enthusiastic rendition of “When the Saints Go Marching In”
Upcoming programs/announcements:
February 20, 2020- They Will Run, a history of the auto industry in STL
February 27, 2020- Explore St. Louis with Kitty Ratcliffe
February 29, 2020- Rotary Trivia Night: still needed for this event are players/guests and silent auction items
Phil Hesley announced that the Rotary grant application has been revamped, is available on line, and application are due March 12.
The Get to Know Rotary Breakfast was a success, 8 new members have joined the club since July. The next Get to Know Rotary Breakfast is scheduled March 18.
Acting Sgt. At Arms, Jack Windish, kept the mood light with his wise cracks and several guests were introduced.
Beth Russell introduced Olivia Panopoulos, Operations Specialist at Mardi Gras, Inc.
Olivia gave a overview of all the Mardi Gras events in St. Louis from the January 6 kickoff through the Grand Parade on February 22. St. Louis is home to the second largest Mardi Gras celebrations and the event brings in $26M in revenue for our city. Nonprofits may apply to staff beer booths at the event with proceeds to benefit their cause; approximately $250K is raised each year for local organizations. Additionally, the Mardi Gras Foundation raises funds to support development and community engagements in the Soulard neighborhood.
Bob Brinkman, the only living of 5 Founders of Mardi Gras Inc., shared that in the early ’80, the founding group never imagined the enormity of their idea.
During Q & A we learned that an estimated 100K people attend the Mardi Gras celebration, 35% of those in attendance are from out of town, 85-125 floats participate in the Grand Parade, and more than 1,500 port-a-johns are brought in. Mardi Gras Inc collaborates with PD, FD, and building division to keep the celebrations safe for all.
Don Fuller had an opportunity to win $1,569 in the 50/50 but alas, the Ace of hearts was drawn and the pot will continue to grow.