Scribe Report January 23, 2020
Bob Zangas
President Bob called the meeting to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four Way Test. The invocation was done by Jack Windish. Bill Piper was the song leader with a great version of Yellow Submarine. Rotarians wanted to continue singing but Bill got tired and ended the singing.
The Announcements:
Bob Zangas Community Service has grant applications available on the Rotary website. The applications are to be submitted electronically and must be completed by March 12, 2020. All grant applications must be sponsored by a Rotary member.
Membership Committee will be hosting a Get to Know Rotary Breakfast on February 5th, 2020 at 8am-9am. Please invite guest so they can learn about our great club
Don’t forget Rotary Trivia Night on February 29, 2020. Get a table of friends and make your reservation.
Sgt. At Arms Dan Conway told us about his coaching experience with his daughter in goal before introducing an exceptionally large list of guests and visiting Rotarians.
Matt Weiss introduced our guest speaker Jim Kavanaugh, the CEO and Co-Founder of World Wide Technology and one of the Co-owners along with the Taylor family of Enterprise. Jim talked about the St Louis MLS team and the new soccer stadium, offices and practice facility that will be transforming the area around Union Station combining sports, business and play. Jim introduced Dennis Moore, Chief Revenue Officer for the St. Louis MLS team. Dennis brings seventeen seasons of revenue experience with the NFL’s Denver Broncos. St. Louis is the twnty-eighth team to be part of the MLS and play is scheduled to begin in 2022. We can hardly wait! Jim and Dennis took time and answered a lot of questions from Rotarians. A great presentation by Jim Cavanaugh.
Bob Sherrill had the winning ticket but pulled the three of diamonds and not the ace of clubs. Next week we start at $1433. Good luck.
I just wanted to pass on that former Rotarian Bert Walker passed away. Bert was a cousin of former President George H.W. Bush. Bert was the retired Chairman and CEO of Stifle Nicolaus. A true leader in the community and big supporter of Webster University. He was a true champion of the St. Louis region. He truly exemplified “Service Above Self”. He will be greatly missed.