January 13, 2020
By Jonathan Soifer
Week 2 of the second half started with us welcoming two new bowlers to the league. Matt Maddox joined team Cooper, and Jennifer Krassinger joined Team Cowell. Jennifer managed to get a lot of unsolicited advise. It’s going to take her years to unlearn everything she learned last week. We also welcomed back Ken Schuman.
It seemed that no one had much to report. Maybe the strikes and spares are becoming too common. On lanes 23 and 24, Dave Cowell and Mat Weiss were on fire – bowling well above average, and winning 18 points against Team Soifer.
Teams Conway and Lorenz were battling it out on lanes 21 and 22. Every time I looked over, it seemed that Dan Conway was picking up some hard to get spare. The bowling gods must have been smiling on him on Monday. It was reported that Carl Lane (Team Conway) blew it in the 10th frame for one of the games. However, Team Conway took all 22 points, steamrolling team Lorenz. The 22 point jump pushed Team Conway into a 2nd place tie with Team Decker (2 points behind Teams Cooper and Cowell who are tied for 1st place), and dropped Team Lorenz to last place.
And Teams Copper and Decker were paired up on lanes 29 and 20, where Team Cooper took 18 points from Team Decker.
There were a few games over 200 – Blake Critzas had a 215, 244, and 243, to bowl more than 100 points over average. Ralph Decker also had three games over 200, but was only 61 points over average. Dan Conway had a 201, Dave Cowell had a 211, and Mat Weiss had a 223. High scratch series were also bowled by Mike Borough (688), Jack Windish (630), Don Fuller (616), Dave Cowell (646), and Matt Weiss (677).
I hope everyone enjoyed their snow day Friday.
See you all back at the alley.