Joshua Chamberlain Society | May 18, 2023 ~ Art Lounge

Tim Taylor, JCS Hero and Holly Schmitz, Executive Director JCS

Tim Taylor, JCS Hero

Specialist Tim Taylor is U.S. Army and Iraq War veteran. He joined the Army at 17, back in July 2003. While serving with 3rd Infantry Division, out of Fort Stewart, GA, he was deployed to Baghdad, Iraq in January 2005. Tim’s unit was responsible for providing convoy escorts for the State Department, Department of Justice, Department of Treasury, and other government agencies.


On October 27, 2005, Tim’s vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb, known as an explosively formed penetrator, a particularly deadly I.E.D. Tim was left with significant injuries, resulting in a partial left hand amputation, severe damage to his right hand, traumatic brain injury, PTSD, and numerous other injuries that have negatively impacted his life, and all before he was of legal drinking age.

With the support of his loving wife, Tara, along with the dedicated community at the Joshua Chamberlain Society, Tim has been able to thrive, and continues to push the limits of his mind and body. Tim is now a graduate of Saint Louis University and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing

“We support our Heroes, now and in the future. The Joshua Chamberlain Society adopts wounded veterans and the families of deceased veterans and commits to providing support for the long term. Their sacrifice is permanent — so is our support. When American service members are severely wounded in combat, their lives are changed forever. And when our service members make the ultimate sacrifice, their families need support and security. With the help of generous donors and fundraising events, we help severely wounded veterans live full, vibrant lives despite their injuries, and we make sure the families of the fallen are provided with support and security for the future.” Read more