Final Alleygations report for 2022/2023 Rotary Club #11 Bowling Season
The evening of April 24th, the St. Louis Rotary Club #11 Bowling League celebrated the 104th season with their annual bowling league banquet at LoRusso’s Cucina Restaurant on The Hill.
Emceed by the Master of Ceremonies, Matt Weiss. The evening began with cocktails and appetizers. Invocation by Terry Werner. Dinner served by the world class LoRusso Restaurant staff. Bowlers enjoyed the prime beef filet mignon dinner and desserts. After dinner, league treasurer Kent Steinbrueck recognized our top bowlers, teams, and sweepstake winners with cash. We love Kent! We love Kent! We Love Kent! The evening ended with Gary “Doc” Jones being the recipient of the George Fliehman award.
Due to health issues and doctors orders, I missed the evening. I was really looking forward to seeing everyone. I did hear from most of you this past week. I appreciate your get healthy wishes, plus the kind comments about the banquet and camaraderie. As Rodney Dangerfield would say, “Last week I was in rough shape, but I’m alright now!”
Special Big thanks to Matt Weiss for emceeing the banquet and for scheduling the restaurant. We all know Matt likes to throw a good party. Matt is the best at choosing a world class happy hour/dinner menu for our bowlers. Matt, for all you do, this Bud’s for you!
Kent Steinbrueck, thank you for handling the league finances for us. Your trustworthy loyalty for handling our finances each year does not go unrecognized. Everyone in our league appreciates all you do.
Jack Windish. What can I say. You are the voice of reason. You love to quote Johnny Critzas, “The heart and soul of Club #11 is the bowling league.” Jack, your heart for Club #11 and this bowling league ranks right up there with Johnny. Thanks for all you do.
Don Klackner……you are one special human. Shall I say, “The Ace” of our club. We appreciate your generosity and staff at Olivette Lanes. The Rolling for Rotary was a big success, and you make it fun at Olivette Lanes.
Matthew Maddox, I know you played a big part for Rolling for Rotary. Thank you for providing entertainment for our victory ride home from Columbia. Queen “We Are The Champions” was perfect. You had our victory bus ride jamming like American Band Stand and Soul Tain. Let’s not forget Clarence Carter! Those that have never made a Columbia Bowling Trip-you must join us next year!
Extra Special Thanks to Rose Cooper. She not only had her best season of her Rotary Club bowling league career, but Rose has become the Saint of Patience. Rose works with each team Captain to publish on time the weekly Alleygations report. Do you realize the Alleygations Report first began in 1919. Let that fact sink in. 104 years running.
Rose we appreciate you all you do to publish the Alleygations Report.
I must recognize Team Booty. Which is Amy Lewis, Lily Michaels, and Rose Cooper. In our annual bowling competition on April 18th in Columbia, MO against the Kansas City Rotary Club #13, we were scheduled to play 18 games. We needed 10 team game wins to bring home the trophy.
We have not beaten Kansas City since 2018. We were prepared and THIRSTY to beat KC this year. The big moment happened around 4:00pm central time at Town & Country Lanes. We were nearing the finish of our second set of games, when It came down to the 10th frame.
Team Booty was the last team finishing game two. Rose Cooper, Team Booty anchor, now in the 10th frame needed a mark for St.Louis to win. Rose picked up the spare and on her final shot, knocked down enough pins to clinch victory! It was Team Booty that delivered victory and helped us bring back the Trophy.
Speaking of the trophy. The trophy we won this year dates back to 1966.
In case you want to know the Club’s wins.
Kansas City 29 wins
St. Louis 27 wins
Covid -19 has 2 wins. (We did not bowl in 2020 and 2021
Last….I want to say a few words about George Fliehman.
George Fliehman motto was Bowl and Never Grow Old.
George was the bowling league secretary and treasurer during the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s. The bowling league averaged about 80 bowlers. They peaked in 1969 with 120 bowlers. Each week, George was in charge of collecting the money and for collecting the scores. Each week he would calculate averages, handicaps, and team wins and losses. He did this with pencil and paper.
Established in 1976-77. The George Fliehman award is given for Rotary Bowling Fellowship. This years recipient is Gary “Doc” Jones. Doc has been a lifetime member of the bowling league. Very loyal. Always smiling. Great team player. He was one of 18 bowlers to help us beat Kansas City this year. Congratulations, Gary.
Have a great summer!
Stay Thirsty and Keep on Rolling!
Yours truly,
Ralph J. Decker
St. Louis Rotary Club Bowling
League President

St. Louis Rotary Bowling League Banquet April 24, 2023
LoRusso’s Cochina ~ St. Louis, MO