April 10, 2023
Allegations for 04-03-23 Bowling
From: Dan Conway
This past Monday’s bowling finished the last regular week of the season. To get things started Rose Cooper demonstrated how to bowl backwards clearing the floor!
On lanes 19 and 20, Team Lorenz and Team Conway did battle. Team Conway was still trying to dig themselves out of hole giving up 20 points to team Weiss the previous week! Bill Piper had a great night of bowling and rolled a 675 handicapped series! Dan Conway rolled a 684 handicapped series. Team Lorenz had two bowlers that had big nights with Chris Wilson rolling a 656 handicapped series and Ralph Zuke rolling a 602 series. Team Conway took the first two games but ran out of gas and lost the third. Team Conway ended up taking 14 points to Team Lorenz taking 8 points.
On Lanes 21 and 22, Team Werner took on Team Soifer. A very competitive match with Team Soifer taking 12 of the 22 points. Vic Difate had a good night for Team Werner bowling a 682 handicapped series! Team Werner won the first game but lost the next two games but had a strong enough first game that they won total pins.
As usual the most noise came on lanes 23 and 24 with Team Weiss and Team Milne! Matt Weiss was fired up as usual and took care of business rolling a 648 handicapped series. Team Milne won the first game but lost the next two. The series was so close that Team Milne won total pins. Kent Steinbrueck bowled a 611 handicapped series keeping Team Milne in the hunt. Team Weiss took 12 points and Team Milne taking 10 points.
This coming week will be position night with three teams still very much in the hunt with Team Weiss at 80 points, Team Milne at 77 points and Team Conway at 75 points. Team Milne has won a previous quarter. Good luck!