Bowling Alleygations Week 26 | March 27, 2023 | Jon Soifer
It was another exciting night at Olivette Lanes. We had 3 full lanes – no one absent bowlers and 17 of the 24 bowlers bowled above (and some well above) average.
Matt Weiss won the 50/50 – but didn’t hear the announcement and almost didn’t claim the win.
Moving directly to the games:
Teams Soifer and Milne duked it out on Lanes 19 and 20. Bob Zangas, Pete Milne and Carl Lane were all well above average. Despite the excellent performance by Lilly Michaels and Rose Cooper, Team Soifer could not keep up. Team Soifer declared Carl Lane their MVP in game 2. In the frame 10 of game 2, Carl only needed to get a mark to win the game for Team Milne. After his first ball, he had 2 pins left – and they were right next to each other. Unfortunately (for Team Milne), Carl missed them by a hair, giving the game to Team Soifer (804 to 801). Teams Soifer and Milne split the points 10-12.
Teams Conway and Weiss faced off in Lanes 21 and 22. Dan Conway finished the night with a 682 (handicap) series. Despite Dan’s great series, Team Conway struck out. Team Weiss blew them away and ran off with 20 of the 22 points.
The competition was a little more even on Lanes 23 and 24 where Teams Werner and Lorenz competed. Rumer has it that Terry Werner just couldn’t land a mark in the last frame of Game 2, giving game 2 to Team Lorenz (490-494). In Game 3, the pins just wouldn’t stay up for Dave Cowell and Adam McNutt. They had a who-can-get-the-most-strikes competition Cowell won out in the end with a 266 (scratch) game to Adam’s 225 (scratch) game. Needless to say, Dave and Adam had the high scores for the night. In the end, Team Lorenz managed to take 16 points to Werner’s 6.
With 3 weeks left in the season and only 7 points separating 3rd place from 1st place, anything can happen. The new positions are as follows:
Team # Team Points
5 Weiss 68
2 Milne 67
3 Conway 61
6 Soifer 52
4 Lorenz 44
1 Werner 38
Monday’s line up is as follows:
Lanes 19/20 Conway-Lorenz
Lanes 21/22 Milne – Werner
Lanes 23/24 Soifer – Weiss
Strikes and Spares!