Happy New Year, Club 11!
It’s 2020, so let’s be clear on our vision for the Club for the coming months.
Many are making New Year’s Resolutions – Lose weight; Exercise more; Learn a new skill. But, whether you personally resolve to any of the above or to other good things, I think Rotary should make a few resolutions, too.
Instead of losing weight, Club 11 should try to gain weight by adding new members. Invite a friend, acquaintance, or business associate to a meeting or social event. Let them see the Rotary that we enjoy.
Instead of joining that gym to exercise more, exercise more “Service above Self” by actively supporting the Community Service Committee or by attending a Lift for Life Tuesday.
Instead of trying to learn a new skill, try to get to know some of your fellow Rotarians better, especially our newer members. Sit with a different group of Club 11ers at lunch. Join a committee – we’re all working for a common goal. Call out to a Rotarian that you haven’t seen recently just to say hello. Offer a ride to a senior member who is hesitant to drive downtown.
Let’s resolve to sharpen our vision and practices for the good of our Rotary Club in 2020.
Happy New Year, Rotarians!
President Bob