Bowling Alleygations Week 24 | March 13, 2023 | Terry Werner
We always have a great time at Olivette Lanes and Monday, 3/13, was no exception. Don and Ashley surprised us with a bowler appreciation night which included a taco buffet, a pins over average payout, a fifth frame bonus for getting all strikes and mystery score selections! Discount drink coupons were also given away. What more could a person want???? Thanks Don and Ashley – you two are the best!
The fourth quarter is in full gear and the race for the final quarter lead is tight. Conway has a 5 point over Soifer and an 8 point lead over Milne followed by Weiss, Lorenz and Werner.
Notable high scores were Rose Cooper at 207 and Terry Werner with a 226. These two were the only bowlers to break 200 but Jon Soifer was close at 199. Better luck next time Jon! Jack Windish bowled 97 pins over his average, Jon Soifer was 81 pins over, Rose Cooper was 85 over and Dee Baebler was 80 pins over her average. Great bowling folks! What the heck were they drinking?
Other highlights for the night:
– Jack bowled a 190 in his second game and had only 1 strike but had 8 9/1 spares in 9 frames! He was hot, hot! Way to go Jack!
– Terry won the 50/50 for $50 thanks to a good pick by Dee!
– Dan Conway was ecstatic to win a drink coupon based on a non-skilled event!
– The final two games between the Weiss and Werner teams came down to the final two bowlers each time! It doesn’t get more exciting and fun than that!
– There are only 4 weeks left before we have the final roll-off on 4/17.
– The Columbia trip will be on 4/18 and we need to take a strong team to beat our KC counterparts.
– Our banquet is scheduled for 4/24 so be sure to put it on your calendar.
Spares and Strikes,