Jingle Bells, Rotarians!
There were 48 Rotarians and guests enjoying dinner, drinks, and music at the Rotary Holiday Party in the Art Lounge of the M.A.C. last Friday, December 13.
Walter Knoll Florists provided centerpieces which were raffled off to the delight of the winners. The Adam Maness Trio added to the festive atmosphere of the party. Michele Goad and her committee did a great job putting it all together.
The only thing that would have made the evening better would have been a visit from Santa Claus. And, if that “jolly, old elf” had been there, I would have given him my Rotary Christmas list.
“What would you like for Christmas, Club 11 President Bob?”
After asking for a Game Boy, Legos and anything Star Wars, I would have asked for:
-More members for our Club
-More engagement by our members at our meetings, service projects, and events
-A couple of new ideas for additional fundraisers so we can do more as an organization for the community.
It’s a short list (after the Game Boy, Legos and Star Wars stuff) so I hope Santa can deliver. If not, it’s up to Club 11 Rotarians to help me fill my Christmas wish list.
Merry Christmas.
President Bob