Bowling Alleygations Week 18 | January 30, 2023 | Jon Soifer
Week 18 – January 30, 2023
By Jonathan Soifer
This is Take 2 (after somehow deleting and losing the first draft). This would never happen if I used a typewriter!
Monday January 30th was a snowy day. Thus, with five bowlers absent, attendance was light.
Moving directly to the games:
Team Lorenz took on Team Milne on Lanes 19 and 20. All the Lorenz bowlers bowled over average to give Team Lorenz all 22 points. Team Lorenz was lead by Amy Lewis with her 683 handicapped series. In Game 2, Amy bowled 45 pins over average for what might have been her best game ever! But for fun, in one frame, Amy hit a pin in the gutter and her ball bounced back into the lane to take down several more pins. I’m sure her score was corrected.
On Lanes 21 and 22, Team Soifer took on Team Weiss. Despite retuning home Sunday night to the snow storm, Matt Wilson proved to be well rested after his trip to Hawaii. Matt lead Team Soifer with a 649 handicap series. Dan Klackner had an amazing 225 in his second game, but still lost his match to Lily Michaels by just 4 points. Gotta love handicap scoring! For additional excitement, Jon Soifer picked up a 2-7-10 split. It looked something like this:, but nothing like this: (where a pro bowler picks up a 7-10 split). Dan Scott proved his bowling prowess in getting 3 strikes in the 10th frame of Game 2. But with 3 of their bowlers bowling over average, Team Soifer took 22 points for the night.
Last, but not least, Team Werner and Team Conway faced off on Lanes 23 and 24. Dee Baebler lead Team Werner with a 637 handicap series. However, Bill Piper and Dan Conway bowled 633 and 624 handicap series, respectively, to give Team Conway 15 points for the night. Terry Werner may have felt a bit of justice when in game 1, he had three strikes in the 10th frame to beat Dan Conway by a single pin. Dan was consoled by winning the 50/50.
The new positions are as follows: