Bowling Alleygations | Week 5 ~ October 10, 2022

This week saw many bowlers having really good nights and, in some cases, personal bests.


On lanes 15/16, Team Lorenz took on Team Weiss. We had an exciting night in spite of the fact that Team Lorenz only had one bowler (yours truly) show up to bowl. Team Weiss only had 3 bowlers and one of them was David Cowell substituting. So we decided that David would sub for Team Lorenz and we would have 2 on 2. The was a fortuitous decision for my team. David had an outstanding night bowling 631 SCRATCH and 724 handicap series. Don Klackner had 642 handicap series with a 213 game.

Team Lorenz won the match 15 – 7. Doug Lorenz and Mike Regan ended up tied in their match at 618.


On lanes 17/18 Team Soifer faced off against Team Conway. Team Soifer won the match 18 – 4. In that match Bill Piper bowled an all-time persona best 160 game with a 636 handicap series and a huge 255 handicap game, way to go Bill. John Soifer bowled a 186 game. Both teams had a full complement of bowlers as well. On Team Conway, Ralph Decker won the 50/50 for the second week in a row. It was pointed out that Ralph had not yet ordered the bowling shirts for those that requested them so perhaps with all his winnings he can expedite the bowling shirt order.


On lanes 19/20, Team Werner bowled Team Milne. Team Milne won 14 – 8 in that match. Terry Werner bowled a 191 game and a 550 scratch series.


Strikes and spares,


Doug Lorenz
