Most were at their table, seated and engaged in lively conversation when President Bob rang the bell at noon. It was the start of our October 31 meeting to honor the St. Louis Public Schools’ 2019 Young Citizens Award recipients. After the Pledge of Allegiance, the Rotary Four Way Test, the invocation by President Bob and a rousing rendition of God Bless America led by Ralph Decker, President Bob welcomed all in attendance. He followed with a brief overview of Rotary and Club 11. His announcements included: November 7 – a joint Veterans Day program with the MAC … RSVP required; November 16 – Scouting for Food; and, November 21 – Old Newsboys Day. There will also be our “Rolling for Rotary” fundraiser. President Bob ended by noting Rotary’s areas of focus.
Mary Jane Thomsen, 2019 Young Citizens Award Chair and a Past-President of Club 11, followed with a short video about Rotary highlighting the fight to end polio, the quest to provide clean water and the work to promote peace across borders … what is Rotary and why? She mentioned the youth programs of Club 11: New Generations, RYLA, Rotaract, 8th Grade Awards, Rotary Youth Exchange, and the Young Citizens Awards. Introductions followed: the St. Louis Public School District, Webster University, families and friends of students, and visiting guests. With microphone in hand, Mary Jane invited one student from each table to summarize the discussion at that table. The students handled the spotlight well!
The program began with Jean Cowell, Rotary District 6060 Youth Exchange Representative, introducing Dr. Kelvin Adams, Superintendent of the St. Louis Public Schools. Dr. Adams spoke on being a good student – academics, leadership, sportsmanship. He then presented an overview of the district.
Dr. Beth Russell, a Past-President of Club 11 and Webster University’s Assistant Provost for Graduate Studies, presented the Webster University story and invited the honorees to apply to Webster University. If accepted, each will receive a five-thousand-dollar scholarship, renewable each year for four years. Happy faces and applause followed!
As Mary Jane announced the 2019 Young Citizens, President Bob, Dr. Adams and Dr. Russell presented the awards. Jean Cowell and Joanna Finch, Webster University, assisted. There was much applause and many photos!
President Bob brought it all to a conclusion thanking everyone, reminding the students it was time to go back to school, and ringing the bell … meeting adjourned!