Getting to Know Our President.....

President Richard Warriner
– 15 year Rotarian…Little Rock (Downtown) Club 99 in 2007, Springfield (MO) Downtown (Treasurer) 2008 – 2013 , and St Louis Rotary 2014 – present…definitely a theme in that I appreciate the ‘Center-city’ connection Rotary provides me. 
–  23 years in commercial banking with a focus on manufacturers, wholesale/distribution, and retail based clients throughout Missour and Southern Illinois. 
–  My parents instilled a servitude mentality in my upbringing and I have found Rotary to be a natural fit for me as I aim the mix business with pleasure and honored to be a Club 11 member. 
–  What am I good at?  Well, I like to mow my own yard and some call me the Night Mower, as I tend to do so after kids go to bed. 🙂