Hazing of the first- time bowling captain continues. As Dan Conway was putting his bowling shoes in his bag and getting ready to walk out, David Cowell and Ralph Decker in unison like spooky Halloween characters tell me that I have Allegations for the week.
This past Monday’s bowling was entertaining to say the least. On Lanes 23 and 24 team Cowell and Lorenz were going at it. David Cowell was torturing Katie LaMarsh by making her jump up for super tall high fives. The only problem is that all that jumping helped Katie stay loose and bowl a handicapped series of 625 along with Frank Brandhorst’s 695 and Rick Tinucci’s 676! Steve LaFara who was on fire and bowled a season high scratch series of 632 and handicapped series of 728 and is still wondering what you got to do to win a night! Steve was very perplexed and locked in on the score board trying to figure it out. Don Klackner needed the Ferris Bueller score changing technology at this instant to lower Steve’s score, but it would have been just too much for Steve to handle. Congrats Steve on the season scratch and handicapped high series! Lorenz takes 16 points to Cowell’s 6.
Over on Lanes 21 and 22 Matt Weiss was subbing on the Decker team and came up Lame after the first game complaining about a gardening injury he suffered this past weekend while planting bulbs with his wife (Hmmm). All time classic happened in the third game was Dan Conway as the second bowler could have put the game out of reach for the other team with his last ball and also could have finished close to a 200 but immediately threw the ball in the gutter finishing with a scratch 192 and now leaving the game wide open for Team Decker. Fortunately, our “Anchorman Carl Lane” still had his engine revved up and finished strong and put the game out of reach with a handicapped series 667. Jeannine Conway finished with a 611. Terry Werner had a nice 603 series for team Decker. Team Conway takes 20 points to Decker’s 2
Soooo the title match was supposed to be on lanes 19 and 20. The Hill was a little too steep for the Cooper team tonight while the Sandbagging Soifer team took 20 of the 22 points. Team Soifer had John Soifer with a 693, Vic DiFate 652, and Mike Regan with a 628 handicapped series. Team Cooper had Blake Critzas finishing with a strong handicapped series of 684. The best part of the night was Captain Rose Cooper upset that Ralph Decker announced the first quarter was won by team Soifer before the third game was complete. Rose was seen pistol whipping Ralph Decker for this faux paw and Ralph Decker offered up his bowling ball to Rose in exchange for forgiveness.
Rose there was no hanging chad on this win it was over after the second game.
Rose was next seen reviewing video tape of potential foot faults by the Soifer team.
First Quarter was a lot of fun lets have more fun this second quarter.
Hope everyone enjoyed Halloween!