Rotary has six Areas of Focus, one is Supporting Education. While no more important than the other five, Club 11 has the opportunity this week to show our commitment to St. Louis Public Schools at the Young Citizens Awards this Thursday. We will host, mentor, and honor 28 students who have shown leadership and initiative by becoming a recognized part of their educational community. In other words, they are Good Citizens. I hope that you will join these special students from the St. Louis Public Schools system along with their families, guests and educators to congratulate them on their accomplishment.
P.S. Club 11 thanks a number of Rotarians (Tinucci, Rubinelli, the Hesley brothers, Garagiola, and St. Louis Civilian Jessica Boston) and their guests who worked with the Forest Park Conservancy – in the greenhouse – on Saturday, October 26 to help with some future floral beauty for Forest Park. You’ll have to wait until spring to see how well they did.
Finally, as announces by Rotary International on World Polio Day, the Wild Polio Virus, type 3 (WPV3) has been eradicated world wide! Two of three WP strains have been wiped out. A true sign of progress with Rotary’s continued help. Please make your pledge to Rotary’s End Polio Now Challenge that will be matched 2 for 1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Contact Rick Tinucci.