Sorry I missed everyone! I hear that Team Decker was up against Team Cowell. You know I would have loved the opportunity to bowl against you guys. Steve LaFara, a power house bowler for Team Cowell, came out and rolled a game high 207 for the evening. Steve ended the night with a high scratch series of 532 and helped team Cowell win 18 points. Terry Werner said “I can’t believe how LaFara is so positive tonight! He didn’t complain about the lanes at all the whole night!” Way to go Stevie.
Like the Washington Nationals did with our Cardinals. Team Soifer swept Team Lorenz. They won 22 points and are in first place after six weeks of bowling. The first quarter will end on October 28th. With two weeks to go, it looks like the first quarter will come down to Soifer and Cooper. My advice is to keep it out of the gutter and throw strikes!

Strikes and Spares!