The President’s Corner was in Washington, Missouri this past week-end for the 2019-2020 District 6060 Conference.
It was my privilege to accept several awards that Club 11 earned. I was also humbled by the Memorial Service that honored the recently deceased members of the District including our Club’s Jim McDonald, Earl Burkhardt, and Jim Mellow. We will have our own special remembrance for them in December.
I met Rotarians from all over the District: Hannibal, Cape Girardeau, Vandalia, Union, Washington, and Poplar Bluff to name a few. Also, there were representatives from local clubs: Kirkwood, Clayton-Ladue, Webster Groves, St. Charles, Cottleville, Overland. Good people! Rotary is filled with good people!
I encourage you to attend another Rotary Club’s meeting either as a make-up or to enjoy the fellowship and goodwill of another club. It’s easy to find out when they meet.
Sign in to Dacdb.com – find the District tab; pick a club and click on it – then hit Club Information. It will tell you where and when they meet.
Try it! You’ll like it!