President Bob rang the bell to call the meeting to order.
We opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four Way Test.
Bob asked that we take a moment of silence for Rotarian Carl Stifel’s wife Barbara who passed away and Bob Hesley led us in a solemn invocation.
Songstress Beth Russell moved us forward with a Rotarian-friendly tune entitled Rotary – sung to the melody of Petula Clark’s hit Downtown.
President Bob noted that several Rotarians will be attending the District 6060 Conference this weekend in Washington, MO.
There is another prospective member meeting October 3. Recruit!
MAC Tank (like Shark Tank) is October 25
President Bob started a rumor that we will have a speaker associated with the new local MLS team sometime after the first of the year.
Jim Sheets announced the upcoming Veteran’s Day program with the MAC. A prominent 4-star-joint-chiefs person will be the speaker for this important day. Table and individual sponsors are available. See Jim for more information.
Back to other items – the social committee has lots of good stuff coming up, there is one more golf outing, World Polio day is October 25, RI District 7020 is working on Hurricane Dorian relief and the last couple of scribes have been using lots of big words.
There is a panoply of upcoming events – they are on the calendar.
David Cowell filled in as S-A-A. He introduced Kate Stewart with St. Louis Public Schools, and visiting Rotarians Wendy Walsh-DeMaria, Long Island, NY, District Rotary Foundation Chair in town for the District 6060 Conference and our guy Gary Neal, Fresno Sunrise. David noted that the Cards magic number is 8. Always the hopeful sports fan.
Jim Sheets introduced our speaker, Ryan Wrecker, KMOX radio. He has the 10 PM – 2 AM slot and hosts the program Business of Family Business Saturdays 2 PM. He came to STL from Detroit in 2017. He has an excellent speaking voice. If he can sing, we might want to invite him back to be a song leader. Ryan spoke about the Business program noting interviews with the Phillips family of Weekends Only/Phillips Furniture, Krieger family of OK Hatchery, Frei family of Emil Frei Studios and Poettker family of Poettker Construction. These companies are multi-generation St. Louis companies with amazing stories to tell. Themes of relationship building, teamwork and coming together dominate their tales – a lot like Rotary stories.
President Bob shared that we will be donating a children’s book in our speaker’s honor. Our speaker Ryan randomly drew Bill Piper’s raffle ticket. After either Bill or Bob threw a card on the floor, Bill unsuccessfully drew the Jack of Clubs for $10. He would have won about $701 with the right card.
President Bob adjourned the meeting with the bell.
I will give Rose $1 if she can identify the big word I used (hint – this word also means complete suit of armor) in this report.
Scribaliciously yours, Jean