District Governor John Vietmeier and Club 11’s Michele Goad provided the encouragement and example of Rotary’s Call to Action at last week’s meeting.
DG John acknowledged Club 11’s efforts in its being awarded the President’s Citation and following through on Rotary’s goal to “…Connect the World.”
Michele shared her experience with this summer’s RYLA Academy for high school students. This is a leadership curriculum to bring service projects to a successful completion; projects that address one of Rotary’s six Areas of Focus. RYLA also introduces youths to Rotary and its mission.
John and Michele challenged Rotarians to engage which is every bit as important as attendance.
One way would be to attend the District 6060 Conference in Washington, Missouri on September 20 & 21. You will be able to meet and socialize with Rotarians from other Clubs in the district; and, have the opportunity to learn about others Club’s service projects and fundraisers.
I will be attending along with Rick Tinucci to officially represent our Club. All members of Club 11 are welcome to attend. If you are interested, contact me or go to the DACdb website (www.dacdb.com).