President Bob Garagiola rang the bell slightly before noon anxious to get to the day’s program. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and Four Way Test, Past President and Past District Governor Rose Cooper provided an emotional invocation on the work of District Governors. Past President and Past District Governor Rick Tinucci got up next to be our song leader but had to vamp for a few minutes on the history of singing at Rotary when the Power Point had to be rebooted to the screens. With the words of Diane Tinucci and an assist from Past President Beth Russell, Rick sang his version of “King of the Clubs” to the tune of King of the Road.
Prior to settling into lunch, Bob G. thanked Dan Conway for his work arranging our off-site program at the National Blue Museum. A good time was had by all!
Following our lunch break, Bob G. announced Past President Bob Sherrill was being awarded the Presidential Citation. Bob S. jumped to the podium to thank the entire club for making it happen. AND, as a reminder to the club, this is our third year getting the citation after Past President and Past Assistant District Governor Richard Losciale and Beth Russell’s years. SO, Bob G. let’s keep this train running and go for #4!
Bob G. continued the announcements by reminding club members of upcoming programs, the prospective members event and the District Conference. Check us out on social media as well as the Pepperbox for dates and events!
Next, Michele Goad took over the podium to tell us about the Missouri RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) Academy. This program happens twice each summer to train high school sophomores, juniors and seniors on the awareness and building of skills to become emerging leaders. The curriculum, aligned with Rotary’s areas of focus, helps these young people learn about their own style, how to communicate and how to build a project. If you have an individual you believe would like this opportunity, touch base with Michele for more information.
Bob G. returned to the podium with several more announcements about purchasing a Rotary vest and the golf outings along with his continued plea for scribes. He rounded out his announcements with a note of appreciation to Phil Hesley and Past President Bob Zangas and the Community Service Committee for the Fall collection of school supplies for Kids Smart.
Sgt. At Arms, Dan Conway, was called next to introduce guests and visiting Rotarians. After shaming his middle daughter for not being technology savvy whereby she unknowingly gave him access to all of her communications to her friends, he welcomed our two visitors and pending new members along with four visiting Rotarians. And, one visiting Rotarian was staying at the MAC and saw our new sign. Thanks Jeromy Fritz!
Rick returned to the podium to introduce John Vietmeier, the current Rotary 6060 District Governor. John provided greetings from the RI President, Mark Maloney, as he began his conversation. After providing some background on his Rotary journey, John shared his focus for his year in three points. He wants to be engaged with the RI vision, the strategic plan and how Rotary connects the world. After expanding his comments on these three themes, he concluded his remarks and opened the floor to questions.
Bob G. concluded the meeting with the presentation of the book to our presenter and the 50/50 drawing. Don Klackner pulled an ace but it was not of clubs. The game continues!
Past President Beth Russell