Rotary Club of St. Louis – Club 11
Letter from the President  August 12, 2021

When I first fell in love with my fiancé, Susan, I told her there were four major qualities that she possessed that impressed me: Integrity, Joy, Intestinal Fortitude and beauty.

This weekend, I came across John Rezek’s column in our monthly Rotary magazine.
I encourage you to read it.

He said, “I think we are better able to disregard small mindedness when we cease to put our emphasis on happiness and instead focus on joy, which is a very different thing. Joy is more than a heap of happiness. Joy is the thunderbolt that reorders our sense of the world and our place in it.”

Joy transcends happiness. This article reminded me of my sweet Susan, who finds joy in every aspect of life.
It also reminds me of my fellow Rotarians who understand the meaning of joy.
You cannot serve others and offer your time, talent and treasure without having joy in your heart!
Being a member of Rotary gives us happiness.
Being a Rotarian gives us joy!

Rotary Club of St. Louis
President Jack Windish
